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Cocoon Data’s SafeShare has achieved FedRAMP Ready Status, on track for CMMC 2.0

The future of


Our high-gradeencryption APIensures post-quantum security for sensitive data in regulated workloads against quantum attacks.


Encryption for Developers

Secure your applications with our easy-to-use, compliant and quantum resistant encryption libraries.


File Sharing

Learn about our ITAR compliant file sharing platform used by thousands of users.

App screenshot

KBOSS for Workspace Add-on, Available Here

Our latest innovation, KBOSS, marks a pivotal leap in secure data sharing technology, providing scalable, quantum-resistant encryption solutions that effortlessly integrate into any application.


End-to-End Encryption

Elevate your data security in Google Docs with seamless, inline encryption. Protect everything from a single word to entire documents without compromising on collaboration.

Advanced Security and Compliance

Achieve ITAR and CMMC 2.0 compliance with Google’s Assured Controls Plus. KBOSS includes a fully managed Key Management Service (KMS), enabling secure and compliant data handling.

Simple and Transparent Pricing

Utilize a data-proxy API for effective encryption and a zero-trust architecture. No need for additional extensions—access across all devices where Google Workspace is available.


Work Anywhere Securely

Access your encrypted documents from any device. K B O S S supports cross-platform functionality, ensuring data security on mobile devices and desktops alike, wherever Google Workspace operates.

Dynamic Permission Settings

Control who sees what in your documents with fine-grained permissions. KBOSS encryption doesn't just secure data—it smartly manages access among team members.

Uninterrupted Editing and Viewing

KBOSS integrates directly into Google Docs, maintaining the native editing experience. Users can view and edit documents as usual, with sensitive information automatically encrypted and decrypted in real-time based on user permissions.


Workspace Add-on Pricing

Choose the plan that works best for your team and stay secure, productive and compliant with KBOSS for Google Workspace.

KBOSS for Google Workspace


A plan for Federal agencies and departments.


Coming Soon
  • For defence industrial base customers who need to meet CMMC 2.0 and ITAR requirements
  • To be used in conjunction with Assured Controls
  • Key management to support CSE
Quantum resistance.
Defend against quantum threats with cutting-edge encryption algorithms.
Policy binding.
Implement fine-grained access controls with advanced key policy binding.
AI threat detection.
Ensure data security by scanning ingested data for malicious payloads using AI.
Powerful API.
Integrate seamlessly with our easy-to-use, well-documented API and SDK.

Complete Encryption Solution

Next-Generation Data Security

Empower your development team with Cocoon Data's advanced encryption and key management services, ensuring the highest level of data protection in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

App screenshot
Data Integrity
Ensure data consistency and accuracy with built-in integrity checks and secure storage.
Scalable Architecture
Easily handle growing data volumes with our flexible, high-performance infrastructure.
Role-Based Access
Manage access to encryption keys with role-based controls for improved security.
Compliance Ready
Meet regulatory requirements with our advanced security and compliance features.
Detailed Logs
Track and monitor activities with comprehensive, real-time audit logs.
24/7 Support
Rely on our dedicated support team for assistance and guidance around the clock.
The security first platform

Seriously next-generation

Embrace the future of cybersecurity with Cocoon Data. Our quantum-resistant encryption platform equips you with top-notch security, ensuring your sensitive data stays protected against emerging threats. Easy integration, comprehensive support, and unwavering commitment to data privacy are at the heart of our solution. Together, we're paving the way towards a more secure digital future.

Frequently asked questions


Encrypt anything, anywhere, anytime.